Are Broccoli Microgreens Healthier Than Broccoli?

Broccoli microgreens are healthier than broccoli if you’re concerned about nutrient density. According to a study published by Frontiers in Nutrition, broccoli microgreens contain higher levels of magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc.

The rest of this article will discuss the nutritional value of broccoli microgreens, associated health benefits, how to purchase or grow them, and dietary guidelines.

What types of vitamins and minerals do broccoli microgreens contain?

Broccoli microgreens contain vitamins A, C, E, and K1. They also have calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, protein, fiber, polyphenols, cadmium, sodium, and phosphorus.

Although broccoli has many of the same vitamins and minerals, broccoli microgreens have more Vitamin C and E. Broccoli microgreens grown in compost materials carry higher levels of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium.

What are the health benefits associated with eating broccoli microgreens?

Like mature broccoli, microgreens contain sulforaphane, which is a chemical compound known for its cancer-fighting properties. Sulforaphane is a natural chemical and not an artificial ingredient.

Sulforaphane also prevents cancer by reducing inflammation in the body. The compound can improve digestion and heart health since inflammation leads to bloating, excess gas, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, blood clots, and stroke.

How does the nutritional value compare with broccoli?

About half a cup of broccoli microgreens contains 51 milligrams of Vitamin C and 24 milligrams of Vitamin E. To get the same amount, you’d need to consume between 41 and 54 grams of broccoli.

Recommended daily intakes for Vitamin C are 60 milligrams and 13 milligrams for Vitamin E. Broccoli microgreens also contain 10 times the amount of sulforaphane.  

How many calories do broccoli microgreens have per serving?

The United States Department of Agriculture indicates broccoli microgreens have 31 calories for every 100 grams. This represents the typical serving, which also has around 7 grams of carbs and 2.3 grams of protein.

A medium stalk of broccoli has 45 calories, 8 grams of carbs, and 4 grams of protein, according to the United States Food and Drug Administration.

What is the nutritional profile of broccoli microgreens?

For each 100-gram serving, broccoli microgreens contain the following nutritional values:

  • Calcium: 88 milligrams
  • Phosphorus: 69 milligrams
  • Magnesium: 51 milligrams
  • Potassium: 326 milligrams
  • Vitamin A: 221.8 milligrams
  • Fiber: 410 milligrams

Per serving, broccoli microgreens also contain 0.67 milligrams of iron, 0.37 milligrams of zinc, 0.09 milligrams of copper, and 0.37 milligrams of manganese.

How many servings should I eat a day?

You can eat broccoli microgreens as a part of a healthy diet that includes 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. If you already consume a lot of fruit and vegetables, one serving might do the trick.

But if you want extra antioxidants or find it difficult to get your veggies, put extra greens on your sandwich.

Will eating broccoli microgreens make me healthier?

When consumed as part of an overall healthy diet, eating broccoli microgreens can improve your physical health in several ways. You’ll end up eating more nutrient dense food and feel full faster with fewer calories, which could lead to weight loss.

You’ll also be consuming more anti-inflammatory foods, helping to fight and prevent many chronic diseases related to systemic inflammation.    

Do broccoli microgreens taste the same?

Many people find that broccoli microgreens have a tangy or mild spicy flavor to them. Compared to mature broccoli florets, some individuals find microgreens are crunchier.

Others say that broccoli microgreens have a mild pepper smell to them, which can impact the taste. Your tastebuds might pick up a few traces of faint pepper flavor along with a crunchy kick.

Are broccoli microgreens compatible with different diets?

Since broccoli microgreens only contain a small number of carbohydrates, they are compatible with keto and other low-carb diets. Vegetarians and vegans alike can also incorporate them into their meal plans.

Traditional meat-eaters can consume them in smoothies or add broccoli microgreens on top of a steak or pork chop. You can also try them on the side with dressing.       

Can I buy broccoli microgreens at a store?

It depends on where you live and what type of vegetables your local supermarkets carry. Some areas, known as food deserts, experience problems with getting all types of fresh produce and foods.

If your city has health food stores nearby, you’re more likely to find broccoli microgreens in a produce section. You can look for them near the packaged sprouts. 

Can I grow broccoli microgreens at home?

You can grow broccoli microgreens at home with the right ingredients, equipment, and conditions. You’ll need microgreen seeds, soil, a tray with holes in the bottom, and an area that gets lots of sun like a windowsill.

It usually takes between 10 to 14 days for the seeds to germinate, and you’ll need to keep the soil moist throughout this period. 

How can I eat broccoli microgreens?

The easiest way to eat broccoli microgreens is as part of a sandwich or salad. Top off your salad with broccoli microgreens as a garnish, or place them on top of the cheese between two slices of bread.

With their tangy and crunchy taste, broccoli microgreens pair well with other flavors like mustard, peppercorn dressings, and various vinaigrettes.

Do I need to be concerned about bacteria?

Similar to other produce, broccoli microgreens are vulnerable to bacteria such as E.coli. You’re more likely to run into these problems with store-bought produce.

You can reduce your risk by rinsing broccoli microgreens before you eat them, buying pre-washed microgreens, or growing produce by yourself at home. Also, watch for alerts about bacteria outbreaks with products sold in your area. 

What about pesticides?

If you’re concerned about pesticides and chemical fertilizers, buy organic or organic seeds. You can search for the USDA certified organic or Non-GMO Project labels on packages of broccoli microgreens.

Growing organic seeds at home with natural fertilizers can help you avoid synthetic pesticides altogether. You’ll know with 100% certainty that artificial chemicals and treatments weren’t used on your microgreens.