Can Dogs Find Ginseng? (Solved & Explained!)

Dogs can easily find ginseng. But for this, you should find a ginseng root and have your dog smell it to help train it to be able to identify the smell.

Once the dog recognizes the scent of ginseng, it will then be able to recognize it and follow the scent. 

If you want your dog to be an effective ginseng hunter, you need to train it from puppyhood. The earlier education starts, the more efficient it will be at finding ginseng.

What Are The Best Methods for Training A Dog to Find Ginseng?

Method One: The Puppy Method

Your dog should know who is the leader. Dogs always need a leader because they act according to herd logic. If they feel that the leader is weak, they will try to dominate the herd.

  1. Get your dog used to the environment by playing short games in your garden or an open area where he can find ginseng. It is very important for him to know his environment and adapt to it.

Starting training early is very important. Young dogs are more open to training and understand easily what it is being asked to do.

  1. Introduce your puppy to basic obedience training. 

Dogs that learn basic commands such as “sit, get up, come, lie down, wait” have a closer relationship with their owner. And this will give you a framework to work with when it comes to ginseng training.

  1. Teach your dog to recall and return objects. This is essential for ginseng training.

Although it is difficult at first, after a few repetitions, he will gradually learn it. When your dog returns a thrown object, reward it generously. 

  1. Introduce ginseng into recall and return training

It’s time to show your dog ginseng. Have your dog smell the ginseng you have in your hand and play with it a little before throwing it. Have him try to take the ginseng away from you and after a while toss it so they can catch the ginseng. In this way, your dog will associate ginseng with fun and games, making them want to find ginseng all the more. 

  1. Hide and Seek

In this step, give him a sniff of ginseng you hold in your hand, if you wish, you can pretend to throw this ginseng later and encourage him to find it. Dogs love this game. Also, start hiding ginseng in familiar places and encourage your dog to seek it out. 

  1. Use positive reinforcement only.

Reward your dog to confirm that it did the right action, and help it to repeat that behavior. Only reward when your dog has done something correctly, or while they are still learning, give positive encouragement when they almost did something right to help them figure out the rest of the instructions.

Method 2: Where is It? Method 

  1. Keep the ginseng in your hand and choose a word. You will be training your dog to associate this word with finding ginseng, so choose wisely! 
  2. Hold out both of your hands, fists clenched. One hand will hold the ginseng and the other will be empty. Ask your dog to use its nose to point towards the hand where they think the ginseng may be hiding.

Give your dog a reward every time they are correct. 

  1.  Help your dog remember ginseng by giving the ginseng root a simple name with one syllable. This way, your dog will automatically tend to look for ginseng every time you repeat the name and the name will be easy to understand.
  2. In this step, use the ‘challenge method’ to help your dog look for ginseng elsewhere. Challenge him by hiding the ginseng you have kept in your hand somewhere else. With the command you give, your dog will start looking around for ginseng.
  3. Repeat the ginseng hand and challenge method games for 1 week. Once your dog has fully grasped the game, gradually increase the difficulty of the game and hide the ginseng in places that are harder to find.

Reward your dog every time they find the ginseng. Positive reinforcement will always have a huge impact on your dog.

How is Positive Reinforcement Used in Ginseng Training?

Ginseng requires teaching your dog a certain type of discipline. Doing this via a game or something fun and rewarding will make your dog more willing to participate.

When your dog moves towards the ginseng you want them to find, follow them and point towards the ginseng using your key word in a positive tone.

When your dog reaches for the ginseng, praise and reward him with a positive word and treat or attention. Positive reinforcement should be done exactly when and where the desired movement is completed.

In this way, your dog realizes that he has done something right and instinctively tries to repeat this action.

Can My Dog Have Ginseng?

Dogs can use ginseng during periods of stress and burnout syndrome, and only in small quantities.

Ginseng can also be given to dogs to treat diabetes, blood level issues, low-grade hepatitis, and has been proven to help prevent cognitive decline in some cases.

What Does Ginseng Do For Dogs?

Thanks to the effective antioxidants in ginseng, it helps your dog cope with stress, fatigue, and diseases while balancing low blood levels.

Ginseng is dog-friendly and healthy, but different breeds can tolerate different quantities. If you want to give your dog ginseng, make sure to check with your vet about the recommended dosage.

Is Ginseng Plant Poisonous to Dogs?

Ginseng contains white sap, and some types of white sap can cause poisoning when consumed by cats or dogs. 

This is rare, most dogs and cats can tolerate ginseng and benefit from its healing effects. If you are planning to give your pet ginseng, patch test a small amount on their skin. If they have no reaction after 24 hours then allow them to consume a very small amount.

Wait another 24 hours and if your pet has no negative symptoms then it is likely they are able to tolerate the white sap and are fine to continue to normal dosages.

Is Korean Ginseng Good For Dogs?

Some types of ginseng are often prescribed to dogs and cats, but Koren ginseng could have a negative impact on pets that have a fever or infection. 

It can also cause problems in pets that have chronic heart rhythm disorders or bleeding disorders so be careful when dispensing. 

Otherwise, Korean ginseng is good for diabetes and cognitive dysfunctions in pets and can be an effective herb for mood disorders.