Technically, Cub Cadet and Craftsman are the same. But, neither of these companies began this way. It’s only after the pursuit of acquisitions, mergers and selling deals that both now come under manufacturing by MTD Products, which is a sister company under Stanley Black & Decker.
As such, the production of these American lawn equipment companies has resulted in a change of their manufacturing. But, they are both assembled in the United States, with parts and engines coming from other places in the world, like China, Taiwan and Mexico.
When Did MTD Products Acquire Cub Cadet?
Cub Cadet was an original model of tractor by International Harvester since 1961. But, in 1981, MTD Products bought Cub Cadet. In 2018, Stanley Black & Decker purchased stakes in Cub Cadet through MTD worth around $234 million.
When Did MTD Products Acquire Craftsman?
When Stanley Black & Decker purchased Craftsman in 2017 from Sears Holdings, it became part of MTD holdings as their sister company. Stanley Black & Decker paid $900 million for all the rights to Craftsman.
Who Owned Cub Cadet Before MTD Acquired It?
International Harvester was the sole owner of Cub Cadet before MTD acquired it. They designed, engineered and assembled their lawn equipment in the US with USA-made parts. It is unclear how much money MTD Products paid to acquire International Harvester’s Cub Cadet.
Who Owned Craftsman Before MTD Acquired It?
Sears was the original owner of Craftsman before MTD Products acquired it. But, technically speaking, Stanley Black & Decker is the legal owner of Craftsman. Also, even though Sears was the official dealer of Craftsman tools and equipment since 1920, they never actually were the manufacturer of the products.
They sourced production to other USA-based companies such as Stanley Black & Decker along with companies like DeWalt, Emerson Electric Company, Fasco Hand Tools and Western Forge. Sears would then perform the quality checks and testing of the products before putting them on the market.
Prior to Stanley Black & Decker’s acquisition, many of the parts, equipment and tools became Chinese imports. But after 2017, they’ve returned much of the manufacturing back to the USA. As a matter of fact, they hope to expand operations in Texas and Virginia in the very near future.
Is Cub Cadet’s Manufacturing Still in the US?
Cub Cadet lawn equipment has always had its manufacturing base in the US. They have several facilities throughout Ohio, Mississippi and Tennessee. But, they’re design and engineering comes from Valley City, OH, its global headquarters. Their parts, including the engine, come from several suppliers all over the world.
Is Craftsman’s Manufacturing Still in the US?
The manufacturing of Craftsman tools and equipment is still in the US. However, the parts come from various places around the world. But they have many assembly plants throughout the midwestern and eastern side of the US. These include Wisconsin, Ohio, Massachusetts, Tennessee and several others.
But, Black & Decker continues the manufacturing formula as Sears. They outsource production to other American companies. They have contracts with Waterloo Industries, Western Forge, Apex Tool Group, Emerson Electric and many more. The components ship to their main plants throughout the US for assembly.
Is There Any Difference between Cub Cadet and Craftsman?
Even though MTD Products manages the manufacturing of both Cub Cadet and Craftsman, they are still different brands with varying engineering specifications. For instance, if you compare different models of Cub Cadet against its Craftsman counterpart, you can see how there are benefits and downsides to each.
That said, it’s not uncommon to see these two brands share certain qualities. For instance, in regards to lawn mowers, you will see Kohler engines featured in both as well as the hydrostatic transmission from Hydro Gear. So, in this respect it’s noticeable that they have similar designs and engineering.
But, the assembly of their products happens in individual plants. In this way they are different because there are variations in assemblage. Cub Cadet is central to Ohio whereas Craftsman product assembly occurs all over the US. However, both companies use parts and materials that come from many other areas of the world.
Is the Quality of Cub Cadet Still the Same as the Original?
The quality of Cub Cadet is still reliable but it is not the same as it was in 1961. Once MTD acquired Cub Cadet, they removed the original, “IH” before the title but kept the classic yellow color along with their basic engineering.
However, they also chose to change the cast iron rear end on tractors and mowers to an aluminum one. Aluminum is not nearly as durable as iron, but it is readily available and more cost effective. Also, for those old enough to remember how Cub Cadets used to be acknowledge a downturn in quality over the years.
Is the Quality of Craftsman Still the Same as the Original?
Because Craftsman has been around since 1920, so naturally the quality will change in various ways. But, since Stanley Black & Decker took charge of manufacturing and outsourcing, long-time brand loyalists do report a lowered quality.
This also accompanies frustration in changes to the legendary lifetime warranty integral to Craftsman’s reputation. While they do still have lifetime warranties for certain tools and equipment, many others have a limited warranty. The lifetime warranty doesn’t blanket everything they produce.
What Other Lawn Equipment Brands Does MTD Products Own?
MTD Products have acquired several manufacturers of American outdoor power equipment for the purposes of mass marketing. These include Cub Cadet and Craftsman but also Troy-Bilt, Husqvarna, Bolens and Yard-Man, among others.
Is MTD Products the Same as Stanley Black & Decker?
No, MTD Products is not one in the same as Stanley Black & Decker. They are technically two different companies. But, Craftsman, through Stanley Black & Decker, is a minority partner that has stakes in MTD Products. Therefore, they are separate entities but they have a close working partnership in producing tools and equipment.
Hi, I’m John Stephens, chief editor and writer for I’ve been gardening and raising animals for over 15 years starting with a small backyard plot in Northern Virginia where I grew corn, potatoes, squash, and using a high mulch technique called the Ruth Stout Method. I also raised ducks and small mammals for meat and eggs in a movable pen similar to the ones used by Joel Salatin. I later moved to Colorado where I experimented with growing greens using aquaponics inside. I eventually added a microgreens setup and home sprouting operation. I’m excited to share everything I’ve learned plus more from the other local gardening and animal raising experts I know.