How Much Do Microgreens Cost? (Solved & Explained!)

The average microgreen selling price per 8 oz – 12 oz tray is $12.50 – $18.80, and the average microgreen cost per 8 oz – 12 oz tray is $3 – $5. This results in gross earnings of $8.50 – $14.80 per tray.

This article will go into detail about how much it costs to grow microgreens and the cost of buying microgreens.

What items are needed to grow commercial microgreens?

Indoor hydroponic microgreen production has several costs that come along with it, including growing trays, LED grow lights, growing mats, utility costs, food-grade hydrogen peroxide, heating mat, and seeds. Remember that the equipment, such as the grow lights, will have to be replaced once they wear out.

What is the breakdown in costs of the items needed to grow microgreens?

According to, the breakdown in costs include:

10″ x 20″ Growing Tray (assuming you’ll use the tray 50 times)  $0.06
1 oz of Radish Seeds (price depends on how many seeds you’re buying at a time)    $1.40
1 Hemp Growing Mat              $2.50
LED Grow Light (assumes a 50,000-hour life)        $0.06
Utilities (Electricity and Water)  $2.00
Heating Mat For Faster Germination (assumes 2,000-hour life) $0.30

1 oz of Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide for Sterilizing the Growing Tray      

The hemp growing mat can be replaced with soil or a cocoa brick which would bring the costs down.

Is there a less costly way to produce them?

As a microgreen grower, you can lower production costs by producing more at a time by ensuring the maximum number of growing trays are planted per the LED grow light square footage. This ensure the cost of electricity per pound of microgreen is most efficient.  Bulk purchases of seeds are less expensive. 

Can I grow microgreens more cost-efficiently by not buying grow lights?

You don’t need the grow lights to grow microgreens and can instead use natural light. However, it may prove to be more difficult to grow the greens in areas where the daylight hours are limited, especially in the winter months. Try using natural light by putting them on a window sill or outside.

How do I ensure the microgreens have maximum nutrients in them?

The growing trays that they are grown in can be controlled by ensuring there are high levels of vitamins and minerals, which ensures the resulting microgreen crop is healthy and full of fiber, vitamins, protein, and minerals.

Are certain microgreens less costly to grow?

Some microgreens can be harvested in only five days, while others may take up to twenty-five days. The shorter the growing cycle, the cheaper they will be to grow, depending on the cost of the seeds. High-yield sunflower greens are a good option for those who want a short growing cycle.

What are some other costs to consider when selling microgreens?

In addition to the costs discussed above, there are other costs to consider if you sell microgreens for a profit, such as labor cost, insurance, shipping, taxes, packaging boxes, and storage costs. These are variable costs and depend upon the seller. However, all these costs add up to a possible large expense. 

Is the cost to grow microgreens more than they can be sold for?

Despite the high cost to grow microgreens, this type of food has become increasingly popular as consumers are placing more emphasis on the quality of the food despite the associated increased cost. This will allow for a premium price to be placed on the sale of the microgreen.

How can I determine the best price to sell microgreens for?

The best place to start is to determine the going price of microgreens by looking at the prices at the farmer’s market, online stores, and grocery stores then determine the cost to grow your greens to ensure you have a healthy profit margin in your microgreen growing endeavor.

Is the cost-saving of growing your own microgreens worth the hassle?

If you grow your own microgreens, it is less costly than buying them. However, keep in mind that there is a cost to your time through the hours you must spend trending and harvesting the greens. Other problems may arise as well, such as mold, which could result in the entire crop not being usable.

Are hydroponic microgreens more expensive than other hydroponic crops?

Growing microgreens is expensive because typically, microgreens are grown indoors in a controlled environment instead of outdoors in a conventional crop situation. According to, the cost to hydroponically grow 12 oz of lettuce is $3.75 so this is similar to the cost to grow microgreens.

Are there less costly places to buy microgreens?

Microgreens can be purchased from various places, including farmer’s market, online stores, and grocery stores. The grocery store may offer discounts on microgreens. However, the advantage of purchasing them from your local farmer’s market is that you can ensure they have not used pesticides.

Are some microgreens more costly to buy than other microgreens?

Not only do some microgreens take more time to grow, but some are also more popular than others, and this may cause the cost to be higher. The popular microgreens add a “zing” to a main course. These are the spicy ones and include arugula, basil, celery, cabbage, cilantro, endive, mustard, and radish. 

Are microgreens worth the cost for kids?

For the child who is a fussy eater, microgreens may be a great option to try in order to ensure they get their greens. The kids may find they have better taste, texture, or consistency. A bit of microgreen can add as much nutrition for your child that can be equivalent to a full serving of some regular veggies.

Are they costly when compared to your overall health?

Even though microgreens are much more expensive per pound than the majority of vegetables, the greens have the benefit of having so many vitamins and nutrients since compared to a conventional crop, microgreens are 5 to 40 times more nutrient-dense. How do you put a price on health? You can’t.