Whether or not you buy them from a shop or grow your own, it is important that you rinse your microgreens before you eat them, no matter how clean they appear. According to Quantum Microgreens, invisible bacteria, yeast, and fungi that are floating in the air will land on your microgreens and should be washed off.
If you want to learn more about how to avoid mushy microgreens as well as how to grow your own microgreens at home, continue reading the article below.
How can I avoid mushy microgreens?
To avoid mushy microgreens, it is crucial that you don’t store them wet. Wash your microgreens under a stream of clean water. After, use a clean hand towel or paper towel to pat them dry. A second option for drying microgreens is to use a salad spinner. You can put the microgreens directly into the strainer, rinse, and then spin away the water.
If the microgreens are still slightly damp when you put them into their container, put a piece of paper towel or a napkin in with them to absorb any excess liquid. This will keep them fresh longer.
For microgreens that are still attached to the soil, Quantum Microgreens suggests dunking the greens into water and swirling them around while preventing the soil from falling. Once they have had a good rinse, you can let them air dry before harvesting and storing.
How do I store microgreens?
After washing and drying your microgreens, it is recommended that you store your microgreens in a resealable bag or container with a piece of paper towel or a napkin inside. Afterward, keep it in the fridge to ensure longer shelf life.
How long do microgreens last after harvesting?
Infinite Harvest suggests that purchased microgreens should last between 10-12 days, whereas, microgreens grown and harvested at home would likely last approximately 2 weeks. Microgreen varieties that last longer include sunflower, pea, and scallions may last as long as 3 weeks whereas more delicate varieties such as basil could only last 5 days.
Can I grow my own microgreens at home?
Yes, you can grow many varieties of microgreens easily at home with minimal supplies. First, you will need a shallow container, even an old takeout container will work. Cut holes into the bottom of the container to allow the soil to drain. Second, you need potting soil to provide nutrients. Third, you will need your microgreens seeds. An optional item is a water mister to avoid overwatering.
Where do I get the seeds for my microgreens?
When growing microgreens, it is best to source out organic seeds. You can often find these at home and garden stores, local growers, seed swap events, or even online.
How do I grow my microgreens?
Fill your container with 1-2 inches of potting soil and evenly disperse the seeds evenly throughout the area. Avoid overseeding as you do not want your microgreens to grow too densely. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Place the container in direct sunlight and ensure that you keep the soil moist by watering regularly.
Why aren’t my microgreens starting to grow?
Seeds generally take 1 to 3 days to begin to germinate depending on the variety. Most often, you just need to give yourself more time to get started. To speed up this process, you can also presoak the seeds prior to planting.
What is a blackout period?
A blackout period is the time of day when your microgreens aren’t exposed to light. This is important because it mimics natural daylight and nighttime hours which contributes to the appropriate growth of chlorophyll. It is just as important to give your microgreen periods without light as it is to give it light. Generally, a 12:12 ratio is appropriate.
Why are my microgreens yellow?
The most common cause of yellow microgreens is too much or too little sunlight. When this happens, your plant doesn’t produce chlorophylls which are essential in photosynthesis and also cause the green color we see in plants.
Why are my microgreens falling down?
If your microgreens are falling down, it is a sign that you aren’t watering them enough. Give them more water and you may notice that they begin to recover.
Why do my microgreens grow to one side?
Plants rely on sunlight for food and energy production. In order to collect as much sunlight as possible, plants will grow towards the sun. This may be why your plants are growing unevenly. To prevent this, turn your microgreens around every other day to ensure that they are getting an even amount of sunlight.
Why are my microgreens so dirty?
As your microgreens grow, they may become dirty and they rise up from the soil. One way to prevent this is to try adding a compact layer above your loose layer of soil. This compacted layer is less likely to attach to the seedling as it grows, preventing a dirty harvest.
How can I include microgreens in my diet?
Secure Self Storage’s blog post on microgreens suggests that microgreens have numerous health benefits due their high concentrations of polyphenols, antioxidants, and minerals. To reap these benefits, try eating them often and in a variety of ways.
They can be used in salads and sandwiches, added to smoothies, garnished onto soups, and whatever else you can think of. According to Herbs at Home, the only thing that you shouldn’t do with them is to cook them because the heat will reduce their vitamin and nutrient content.
What are the potential health benefits of microgreens?
Some studies have suggested that eating microgreens can lower LDL cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease. They may also lower the risk of cancer due to their high content of antioxidants. Also, they may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Hi, I’m John Stephens, chief editor and writer for Totalgardener.com. I’ve been gardening and raising animals for over 15 years starting with a small backyard plot in Northern Virginia where I grew corn, potatoes, squash, and using a high mulch technique called the Ruth Stout Method. I also raised ducks and small mammals for meat and eggs in a movable pen similar to the ones used by Joel Salatin. I later moved to Colorado where I experimented with growing greens using aquaponics inside. I eventually added a microgreens setup and home sprouting operation. I’m excited to share everything I’ve learned plus more from the other local gardening and animal raising experts I know.