Can I Use Black Oil Sunflower Bird Seed for Microgreens? (Solved & Explained!)

You can use birdseed for growing microgreens, but it’s important that you sanitize them before planting. The germination of birdseed is likely to be lower than seeds meant for microgreens or gardening purposes.

By sanitizing your seeds and equipment, you can minimize the risk of bacterial growth in your microgreen crop. It’s also important to check your sprouts for mold during the germination process.

Can I use any seeds for microgreens?

Microgreens can be produced from generally any kind of standard seed. Some seeds may be recommended over others, but almost any seed can grow microgreens.

Herbs and vegetable seeds meant for gardening would give you more success than other seeds, such as birdseed. 

What seeds are good for microgreens?

When you’re considering the seeds you’ll be using for microgreens, it’s important to consider a few things.

  • Are the plant leaves and stems of the plant you’re considering growing edible? Tomato plants aren’t edible, but the fruit is, so tomatoes wouldn’t make a good microgreen.
  • Is the seed clean, fresh, and dry? If they’re not clean, your microgreens could be contaminated. If they’re not dry, the microgreens you do get out of the seeds could grow bacteria and fungus such as mold.

Do microgreens regrow?

Most of your microgreen crops won’t regrow after you harvest them. If the plant still has its leaves, it can still go through the process of photosynthesis, but without its leaves, it will likely die.

Most seeds store enough energy in them to grow that first set of leaves. This gets them to the point where they can begin photosynthesis. If they’re cut, they’ll die.

What are microgreens used for?

Microgreens are dense in vitamins and nutrients, which is why they’re considered a superfood by many.

If you don’t enjoy the full-grown vegetables, you could consume microgreens and enjoy the same health benefits. They are even considered healthier than their fully-grown counterparts.

How long does it take to grow microgreens?

Germination varies depending on the plant. Some seeds will sprout and mature rather quickly while others will take their sweet time. 

Broccoli is among the fastest-growing microgreens as you can see a harvest in as little as 6 days. Beets, on the other hand, are much slower in comparison, typically maturing in about 3 to almost 4 weeks. 

Why should I grow microgreens?

Growing your own food has loads of benefits. If you grow your own microgreens, you will

  • Know exactly where your food came from
  • Know exactly what’s in your food
  • Know exactly how your food was produced
  • Spend less money on food other people grew
  • Know exactly what it takes to grow your own food
  • Know how to grow nutrient-dense food to enhance your diet and up your vitamin intake

What kind of microgreen should I grow?

There are many types of microgreens, and some popular microgreens include peas, sunflowers, and broccoli. Others include (but aren’t limited to): basil, cabbage, celery, cilantro, kale, lettuce, mustard, parsley, and spinach.

Beginners should consider trying to grow radish, broccoli, or basil microgreens because they’re rather easy to grow. Broccoli microgreens could be ready to harvest in as little as 6 days, making it a great option for someone looking to try their hand at growing microgreens. 

How do I harvest my microgreens?

Most microgreen growers will use a pair of scissors to harvest their crop, but others may use gardening shears or a sharp knife. Whichever tool you decide to use, the best way to harvest your crop is to cut them directly above the soil line.

When do I harvest my microgreens?

Harvest time comes at different times for different plants. The best way to tell that your microgreens are ready for harvesting is by looking for their first set of “true leaves.”

“True leaves” refer to the second set of leaves on a microgreen. The first set of leaves is from the sprout while the second set of leaves is the first set of true leaves. 

Why should I eat microgreens?

Microgreens pack a macro punch. The baby plants can contain 4-40 times the amount of nutrients their fully-grown counterparts have.

Eating microgreens will enhance your diet with added nutrients and vitamins. If you don’t consume many vegetables, consider adding this tiny yet amazing superfood to your plate. 

What are the healthiest microgreens?

Some of the best microgreens are sunflower shoots, radish sprouts, and pea shoots.

Microgreens are packed with beneficial nutrients and an amazing number of vitamins. They contain anywhere from 4-40x the number of nutrients than their fully-grown crop.

Can I eat raw microgreens?

Microgreens, just like their full-grown counterparts, can generally be consumed raw. As long as they’re handled properly, there is very little risk of food-borne illness from microgreens.

Sprouts are more likely to cause sickness when consumed raw in comparison to microgreens. Sanitizing and proper handling can reduce risk significantly. 

Should I wash my microgreens?

As with any fresh produce, it’s best practice to wash before you eat. This process may be difficult for some people, but it’s quite simple.

Rinse your microgreens with cold water and drain. If you’d like to dry them before eating them, you can use a salad spinner to remove the water from them.

Can I dehydrate microgreens?

A great way to preserve your microgreens, especially if you harvest them and have too many to use right away, is to dehydrate them.

This method of preservation can be a wonderful way to add an extra punch of nutrition to a variety of dishes. They can even be dehydrated and made into powder.

Can I freeze microgreens?

When you harvest your microgreens, you may have too many to use immediately, so you may wonder what to do with the excess. It would be heartbreaking to throw your hard work and your harvest away just because you have more than you can eat at the current time.

If you freeze your microgreens, you can keep them longer. It’s worth noting, however, that when you freeze them, they’ll lose some nutritional value and increase others.